Spark the spirit of innovation in learners, and ignite great things! When students are free to invent and create, they begin to see technology as a means for solving real-world problems and taking their learning to the next level.
At SparkFun Education, we believe electronics is more than a hobby or a career path; it’s a creative medium for advancing teaching and learning. Our curriculum and resources are designed specifically as hands-on learning tools to help today’s students build skills for the creative and digital economy — critical thinking, collaboration, communication, curiosity, problem solving and invention.
Adams 12 Five Star School District sees success working alongside SparkFun Education

Curriculum, Tutorials, Projects
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Ready-to-Implement Kits and Guides
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Case Studies, Data, White Papers
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Incorporating maker education is fun for my students and me! It naturally creates an atmosphere of collaboration and curiosity in my classroom where students and teachers alike are asking “What if we tried this?” or “Is there a way to do that?
在 OpenMediaVault 上安装配置 Jellyfin – 客飞翱中文网:2021-10-17 · 在 OpenMediaVault 上集成 Jellyfin 是通过 Docker 的方式实现的,下面就介绍详细的安装和配置方法。 第一步登录到 OpenMediaVault 管理界面然后选择 Docker 菜单项,如下图所示: Docker 上安装配置 Jellyfin 图一